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My Story

Embracing Hope: A Story of Community and Compassion

Hello, I'm Scott Clewlow, and I'd like to share my journey with you.

I've spent my entire career immersed in the dynamic world of hospitality, starting from the ground up as a teenage kitchen porter to proudly holding the role of a General Manager. This industry wasn't just a job to me; it was a way of life. It's where I met my incredible partner, Lauren, and where our shared journey began as a family.

But, as life often does, it introduced unexpected challenges that would change my course. In December 2021, a severe fall at home resulted in injuries that would alter the trajectory of my life. I had just embarked on a new opportunity, taking the reins of a promising Slug & Lettuce branch in my hometown of Blackpool. However, those plans were abruptly put on hold as pain and health issues intensified.

Despite numerous hospital visits, private treatments, and a relentless pursuit of answers, my health continued to deteriorate. Chronic pain, coupled with mental health struggles, left me feeling isolated and unsupported. This journey was riddled with hardships, particularly as Lauren and I had recently invested in our first home, anticipating the arrival of our second little boy.

The hardships were made worse by my Dads Parkinsons diagnosis and the progression of its symptoms as well as not to long ago losing my Grandad to another incurable disease Motor Neurone Disease, These cruel life lessons would however shape my future.

Amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged – the power of opening up and discussing my struggles as well as researching about Parkinsons. I soon realised I was not alone; many individuals faced similar challenges in silence. This awakening ignited a spark within me, inspiring a mission to transform my personal battles into a source of strength for our community and its people and helping spread, joy, kindness and supporting mental health and help remove the stigma around it.

“Trust in Community” was born out of my unwavering commitment to empowering communities through compassionate giving. It is the embodiment of our shared journey, a journey of resilience, support, and care. This initiative aims to be a voice for the people, raising awareness, supporting those in need, like with our food support service and educational program. It centers on uniting individuals and promoting education for our younger generations about the value of loving and caring for one another, their neighbor's, and their communities, with a hope of making a lasting impact for the future.

I warmly invite you to join me on this transformative journey. Together, we can be the change our communities deserve, together we are stronger.

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